Mon 27 Jan
Do you currently crave the indulgance of adventure and exotic escape? Highpoint Nc (no outcalls) - 22
(Greensboro, north carolina)
sensual & sexy ebony, irish, native american mix. I will make sure you have a great time!!! - 25
(Sarasota, port charlotte *north port *punta gorda)
MoNdAy, InCaLl SpEcIaL, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95, LuNeS, OuTcAlL, A, DoMiCiLiO, SpEcIaL, HhR85, Hr120 SeXy - 24
(San Fernando Valley, DeVoNsHiRe & ToPaNgA CyN. ChAtSwOrTh)
$100 will get u what u need all u have to do is call me - 23
(Columbus, incall n outcall* special for incall)
♥1-5am SPECIALSSS ♥everyday! -:¦:- P€RF€CT -:¦:- P€TIT€ -:¦:- ßRUN€TT€ -:¦:- 1000% R€ÅL PHÕTÕ§ - 24
(Columbus, UPSCALe north COL)
STOP BEING BROKE!!!! What U Make in 2 Weeks U can N 2 Days!!! PAID Travel! luckysladies DOT COM
Ready for something new? New girl kream ready to play.. Ask about my specials - 20
(Sarasota, Sarasota incall (Outcall Surround. Area))
STOP wasting your Time on Fakes & Rip offs! Nikki Banks, REAL PICS, REAL GIRL, REAL SERVICE! - 22
(springfield incall)
★ R E A D Y . . T O . . P L A Y * F A N T A S Y - F E T I S H E S - F U N . .N . . PLEASURE - 28
(Sarasota, Beneva n 17)
Start your weekend off right ... 👠👠👠 Candles , thigh-highs , lingerie & more ... Sensual SeDDuction - 24
(Northern Virginia, Tysons Corner / Vienna)
NEW . China doll Real pics No rush a real pleaser - 21
(North Jersey, elizabeth newark airport incall)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat - 19
(Fort Myers, In town, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa)
💚—💛✨STUNNING BLONDES ❤️SWEET❤️—❤️—💚—💛CALL: ☎202-558-0174☎💛—💜✨NEW GIRLS✨❤️—💚—💛 —❤️—💚—❤️—💚—❤️ - 24
(Northern VA & Surrounding Areas, Northern Virginia)
Sweet and tender you will not regret seeing me
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland, anywhere you want me!)
====♥==== ==== NEW PICS! Busty Brunette... Reviewed... Super nice ==== ====♥==== - 23
(Sarasota, In/Out Sarasota/Siesta Key)
❤️ NEW ❤️3 Y O U N G ▬▬GIRL♥♥♥ ❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎▬▬ ♥ ASIAN ♥ ❎❎❎❎❎917-588-6282❎❎❎❎❎▬▬ YOUNG ▬▬ - - 23
(Newark, Newark, North Jersey OUTCALL, North Jersey)
--:*: *SeXY :*: *2 GiRL SPECIAL :*: :*:100% ReAL, 100% YoURs :*: * N ReAdY NoW :*: - 21
(Denver ( In & Out ))
♥ LET * ME * BE * YOUR ♥ DIRTY * LiTTLE * SECRET ♥ BruNeTTe CuTie - 19
(ShErmAn oAks iNcaLLs off 405 fwy)
___~*~New came in town & stay a few days don't miss out I'm a very attractive asian pretty girl~____ - 20
(Hackensack/Little Ferry/Ridgefield/Rt 46)
★ ▬▬▬▬ NEW ▬▬▬▬▬ 1ST DAY!!!!!! ▬▬▬▬ BUSTY ▬▬ PRETTY ▬▬ ASIAN ▬▬ GIRL ▬▬ JOYCE ▬▬▬▬▬ NEW ▬▬▬▬ ★ - 22
(North Jersey, OUT CALL)
N3W BABE S!ZZL!NG {✿} M!XeD {✿} Dom!N!CAN "24 HRS" - 20
(North Jersey, [♦] Meadowlands Secaucus [♦])
💋💋💋💋LAST WEEKEND IN LA! Come indulge in a sweet vanilla treat!! 100hh - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van nuys / Sherman oaks)
NeW PiCs ♥ G:o:R:g:E:o:U: s ♥ E:x:O:t:i:C ♥ P:L:a:Y:m:A:T:e ♥ - 21
*** Mia Jones *** ���������������� INCALLS ���������������� ●●CLiNTON HiLL●● - 21
(North Jersey, NEWARK , CLiNTON HiLL)
» 💜 SiMPlY AMaZiNG 💜 » EX*XoTic 💕 *SOFt &SEDUCTIVe; *💕 *SWEETy*💜 [ Last Day] 1000% ReaL - 23
(Northern Virginia, Springfield)
🌼Monday Morning, come START your Day w/this Sexy Italian🌼TEXT 4 SPECIALS - 26
(Sarasota, University & 41)
Mira Papi ۩۩۩۩╚» The Reαl Deal «╝۩۩۩۩◄█【௵】█► DomiNicaN LoverS BodY◄█【௵】█► ۩MUY۩CALIENTE «╝ - 21
(North Jersey, OutCalls ONLY 💋💋💋💋💋 24/7 ALL JERSEY)
$60QUK $75hh $100hr (Babs) Morning. Special! DAMN That's a SEXY BITCH! (Crabtree Mall) 9195595568 - 35
(Raleigh / Durham, Raleigh incalls/Crabtree Mall)
MILF Busty Spinner For Mature Classy Business Professionals - 99
(Incall LWR or Outcall Hotels or Upscale, Sarasota)
😇😈 S_U_G_A_R _____ & ____ S_P_I_C_E _________ N_A_U_G_H_T_Y ___________& __________ N_I_C_E 😇😈 - 26
█▒█ __ S U P E R __ S E X Y__ H O T █▒█ _L A T I N A S █▒█ __ 2 GIRL SPECIALS █ - 22
(Northern Virginia, Tyson's Corner)
☑ Safe Incall. ☑ Classy. ☑ Fun! ☑ Clean. Lisa Baby - 19
(Northern Virginia, Reston Herndon Sterling Dulles Airport)
40$40$40$NEW NEW Arrival Yas💞💘💞 Si español Amor Call Now 💋 ☎️🎊☎️40$40$40 $40$40$40 $40$40$40💦💦💞💦💦 - 21
(Greensboro, Hprd I 40 💦💦)
《★Tropical Treasure... Is ur key the right fit?¿♥Unlock the box of endless goodies★》■■■■■■ - 24
(Louisville, incall ONLY UPSCALE DOWNTOWN)
Spankin new blue eyed italian beauty ready for some clean discreet naughty fun :* NO TEXTING - 26
(Detroit, 696 dequinder)
🍎▃▃▃🍎 SOUTH 🍎▃▃▃🍎 BEACH 🍎▃▃▃🍎 GODDESS 🍎▃▃▃🍎 VISITING 🍎▃▃▃🍎 DEARBORN🍎▃▃▃🍎 - 36
(Detroit, Southfield / West, 🍎▃▃▃🍎 DEARBORN, FAIRLANE MALL 🍎▃▃▃🍎)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DoMiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 )) Best N The BusiNezz...GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
T_H__E__ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ EROTIC __)))_:: __E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_E_ - 21
(Lafayette, Evangeline ThruWay)